When you’re first diagnosed with a chronic illness, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. You may feel like you’re totally alone, fighting this battle without reinforcements. But the truth is, there are people out there just like you. Keep reading to learn more about how support groups can help overcome your initial fears and provide a steady stream of encouragement, education, and support.
The Benefits of Chronic Condition Support Groups
Chronic Condition Support Groups Can Help You Cope with Your Diagnosis
Even though your diagnosis is new to you, it’s old hat for many others. When you’re first diagnosed with a chronic condition, one of the best things you can do is find community. Anyone who’s ever been diagnosed remembers what it was like: scary, overwhelming, life-changing. But that’s only a moment in the rest of your life. Finding others who have gone through the same experiences can help you figure out what comes next.
Chronic Condition Support Groups Have Resources
One of the best resources for you after your diagnosis is your local support group. Whether you can make it to a meeting or if you can just connect online or via email, they can point you toward local resources.
- Who’s the best doctor? And how do I get the most out of my doctor visits?
- Where’s the best place to get IV or injection treatments?
- Where are the best places in town to support you in your new lifestyle?
These are the questions a local support group can answer for you.
Chronic Condition Support Networks Offer Emotional Support
The logistical changes of new medications, new appointments and new lifestyle changes are hard enough, but the emotional toll of a diagnosis can be even harder. Support groups can help you feel less alone. You can also get tips for self-care strategies specific to your diagnosis. And you can get practical information about your treatment options from people who have been there.
How to Find a Support Groups for Chronic Illness
The first place to ask is your doctor. They may already be aware of and able to offer connections regarding local support groups. Beyond that, a quick Google search should point you toward local and national organizations. A great example is the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America, which has both national and local chapters that provide educational and training programs and facilitate connections between patients and families managing these diseases. Other options include:
- Lupus Foundation of America National Network
- National Multiple Sclerosis Society: Online Support Groups
- National Psoriasis Foundation: TalkPsoriasis Online Support Community
Treatment for Chronic Conditions at IVX Health
If your treatment regimen includes biologic infusion or injection therapies such as Remicade or Ocrevus, consider IVX Health for your care. We offer appointments that fit your schedule (days, evenings and weekends) in comfortable private suites so you can enjoy your time while receiving treatment. If you’re ready to experience how we are redefining care for patients with chronic conditions, contact us to schedule an appointment at one of our many convenient locations.
Treatment at IVX Health
If biologics like Remicade, Actemra or Orencia are a part of your chronic illness treatment plan, then consider choosing IVX Health for your ongoing care needs. IVX Health makes it possible to receive your therapy in a comfortable, convenient, and private environment.
With a private suite for every patient, you can watch your favorite Netflix show or movie on the big screen TV in each room, use a laptop or other mobile device to surf the web, or simply hang out with family and friends. We always have chairs for guests, and each center has a family room that is spacious and private if you need to bring your kids to your treatment. We also offer flexible appointment scheduling – including evenings and Saturdays – at any of our convenient locations.
At IVX Health, we truly are invested in helping you live your best life. If you’re ready to experience a new kind of infusion clinic, click here to learn how to move your infusion or injection therapy to IVX Health.